Celichowscy spółka partnerska

Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych


Our Cabinet

Our Cabinet is present at the legal services market for many years. We are a team of experienced lawyers of complementary competences. Specialization in certain branches permits us to provide high professional level services and support our Clients in finding solutions to their problems and answers to their needs.

We represent individual and business entities both residents and from abroad. We provide our services also in French and English.

We specialise in civil law, economic activity law, insolvency and restructuration, family and inheritance law. We offer at your disposal our vast experience in business consulting, especiall n scope of commercial law, civil law but also labour and administrative law. We diagnose and analyse the state of wealth, enterprises and real estates – due diligence.

We draw commercial contracts, legal opinions and we conduct negotiations, court and arbitrations proceedings.

We specialize also in creating and succession of enterprises.

Our services

Real estate

Real estate

Economic law

Economic law

Insolvency and restructuration law

Insolvency and restructuration law

Family and inheritance law

Family and inheritance law

Labor law

Labor law

Administrative law

Administrative law

Educational law

Educational law

Industrial property law and copyright

Industrial property law and copyright

Comprehensive support

To provide services of highest quality and complexity to our clients we constantly cooperate with specialists in the field of translations, economics and accounting.

Biuro tłumaczeń
Business Serwis Maria Schneider

Makuliński Moczydłowski Rostafiński Włodawiec Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Prokurent sp. partnerska

Wielkopolska Grupa Doradztwa Gospodarczego
PROGRESS spółka z o.o.
Księgowość i kadry
EXCO A2A Polska spółka z o.o.

We are member of organizations

French Polish
Commercial and Industry Chamber
Commercial and Industry Chamber
of Wielkopolska
Wielkopolski Związek
Pracodawców LEWIATAN